Saturday, July 14, 2012

Griping about colds and knees

Today, I seeb to hab a cold.  By dose is leaking like a faucet, and by head is pounding like a drub.  And by throat hurts so buch I can't talk.  I ab not happy.
Today was supposed to be the day I embarked on a massive crusade against the piles of laundry in the laundry room.  It turned into the day I laid around on the couch trying to say "ugh," and working on the books on my reading list.  I finished one, but the next one is the Diary of Anne Frank, and I do NOT feel like reading that one right now.  I already don't feel good, I don't need to be depressed too.
Having my sisters at my beck and call was kinda fun, though.  Usually they just get mad when I ask them to do something for me.  It's still not worth being sick, though.
Being injured isn't fun either.  According to the physical therapist, the little muscle that prevents my knee from over-hyper-extending got irritated, making my knee stay slightly bent for quite awhile.  It wasn't enough that I noticed it, but some muscle on the other side of my knee sure did.  So now I have two irritated muscles in my knee, and it isn't happy with me.  I can still dance, and the PT guy said I should dance, but it hurts some.  Especially after Character, which we had yesterday.  If anyone's had character, they know that, especially at barre, there's a LOT of bending and straightening, including a lot on one leg.  So now it's really not happy with me.  I'm icing it, of course, and it ought to be fine by Monday, but it's still a pain right now.
I suppose I should be grateful that I can still dance.  After all, I could have something broken, and not be able to dance at all.  Or I could be starving in the streets or something like that.
But since I'm a woman, it's still fun to get in a good gripe now and then.

~Dancing for Him Who died for me.~

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